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Snakes and Ladders

Up the ladders and down the snakes! Board games don't get a lot easier to play than Snakes & Ladders. Roll your dice, hope to NOT land on a snake. A ladder is great - you'll climb it up the board and whoever is first to the top wins! It sounds very simple and it IS - but it's also plenty of fun for adults and children. Who said board games need to be complicated?

There are LOADS of different editions of Snakes & Ladders, varying in difficulty and also quality. You might want to buy a cheap version if the kids are going to throw the thing around but it's worth considering purchasing a more sturdy (often wooden) version that you know is going to last a life-time. And it looks cool.

Snakes & Ladders - the board gameSnakes and Ladders is always fun, often exciting and you never really know who's going to win until the last moment. You could be near the top of the board then land on the last snake and drop way down. On the flip-side, you could be languishing behind near the foot of the board then get lucky with a dice roll and score yourself a lovely ladder boost, putting you in with a chance of winning. It's a simple game but an unpredictable one and that makes it very enjoyable to play every time.

See today's price for Snakes & Ladders -> 365games : Amazon : The Entertainer

Up the ladders, down the snakesMore about Snakes & Ladders

Facts, information & FAQ about Snakes and Ladders for you to know and never forget, even if you try.

Who invented Snakes & Ladders?

No one knows, for certain, who invented Snakes and Ladders, despite what internet searches will try to tell you. The game's origins reach WAY back beyond retro to ancient India under the name of Moksha Patam.

When was Snakes & Ladders invented?

Snakes & Ladders didn't find its way to the UK until the 1890's and later to the USA, where the game is sometimes known today as 'Chutes and Ladders', presumably not to scare people frightened of cartoon snakes (yes, even drawn onto a game board). Originally, the snakes and ladders would have been Indian virtues and vices but that probably wouldn't make for such happy Christmas morning memories for today's kids, or adults.

Snakes & Ladders Megadice online slot gameCan I play Snakes & Ladders online?

Snakes & Ladders online game at Apple App Store

Google Play Store for Android

Free-Play Snakes & Ladders @

Free Snakes & Ladders game print-out downloads (registration required)

There is a free-play online slot game called Snakes & Ladders Megadice created by Pragmatic Play. No registration is required to play. Real-money play on Snakes & Ladders Megadice is available at Lucky Vegas.

How do I win at Snakes & Ladders?

Pure luck - so, be lucky with your dice rolls and hope you get to move first. No, seriously - this is one retro board game where skill just doesn't come into play. Who wins, for the most part, will be down to luck only. We say 'for the most part' only because, by simple mathematics, the player who moves/rolls first in a two-player game of Snakes and Ladders will win 50.9% of the time. If you're playing 'normal' rules, you can't influence the outcome of a game of Snakes & Ladders unless you cheat, somehow (fine with us). Perhaps inform your opponent of the game's origins and that they lose, because they have too many vices.

Snakes and Ladders links & resources

Download Snakes & Ladders instructions: C'mon, now. Up the ladders, down the snakes.

Snakes and Ladders @ Wikipedia

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